Tuesday, July 8, 2008

It has come to my attention that some are concerned that this blog will contain blatant exaggerations of the truth, resulting in the defamation of those blogged about. I would like to clarify that although there may be slight, let me repeat SLIGHT, exaggerations of the truth, they are only done to convey the true tone/feeling/expression of those being defamed. If you don't like code talk, Adam is worried that he's going to sound like a complete bozo on this blog. To be honest with you, he just might. And you know what? That's okay, because I married him because he could be a bozo. C'mon, a girl always likes a man who can make her laugh, right?


Rachel said...

Hi Sarah!!! I am glad that I found you and that you are doing well!!! I love blogging and the fact that I can check out all of my long lost friends. :) Check us out sometime!!!

jessica said...

Hey Sarah, I am glad you have a blog. Shoot me an email, jessmilks at gmail. My blog is private, but I would LOVE to invite you!

Dan and Amanda said...

Hey! You two have a blog! Wonderful! Now, update it! :)