Friday, June 12, 2009

If I could put time in a bottle...

Time flies when you're having fun! Sadie is almost 7 months old now! Emma is 4! How can I have a 4 year old??

Emma just had her dance recital. She did such a great job, I was actually a little surprised at how well she did! She even let me put some mascara on those long, gorgeous lashes of hers. Sadie was so jealous--she loved watching her big sister dance onstage. Two wild and crazy women! I can't even imagine when I have two teenage girls...

Sadie has 7 teeth now! She doesn't really like any baby food that isn't mixed with oatmeal, except for sweet potatoes for some reason. She "gags" when she doesn't like things I feed her! What a little drama queen. She has major Mommy and Daddy attachment. She pitches a fit if she sees that we're not holding her--How dare we let other people hold our little diva?

Adam recently started at Rollins College, getting his bachelors in Organizational Communications. He still works full time for a specialty pharmacy, and has almost hit the three year mark for being ward mission leader!

I have recently been called to be in the Young Womens Presidency in our ward--Just in time for Girls Camp of course! I love my calling, and I'm actually very excited to go to Girls Camp--who'd of thought?

Life stays busy here in the humid south, but it is truly the happiest time of our lives. We are so blessed!

1 comment:

Lambzann said...

Your growing family is so cute!!! I love the new pics of the girls!!!